Increases risk of suicide…a warning about a common drug that affects the brain

According to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, data supported by the National Health Service indicate… Britain The drug, sold under the brand name Singulair, is the most commonly prescribed drug in the country and was dispensed more than 4 million times in England last year.

But new research supports it the US government The drug was found to be able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, which is a membrane designed to protect the brain, and binds to cells that manage our moods and control impulses, the British newspaper said.

The study was commissioned after alarming reports of children committing suicide or attempting suicide while taking the drug, some as young as five.

Fears have grown that around 350,000 Britons taking the drug, including 35,000 children, could be living at similar risk.

Singulair, taken as a daily pill, works by blocking chemicals produced by the body that cause the airways to swell and narrow during an asthma attack.

Earlier this month, representatives from National Center for Toxicological Research At the annual meeting of the American College of Toxicology, the US Food and Drug Administration confirmed the existence of a link between drugs and psychological conditions.

However, experts did not suggest that the drug should be banned for sale and production, but emphasized that the studies are still ongoing and the results have not yet been finalized.

she said Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority In the UK (MHRA), more prominent warnings will be added to the information leaflets distributed with the medicine this year.

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