$632 billion in global arms revenue in 2023…4% growth

According to the report he issued Stockholm International Institute for peace research (Siberia) Monday’s total rose Income In 2023, these 100 companies grew by 4.2 percent, after adjusting for currency fluctuations, to reach $632 billion, after a decline the previous year.

Weapons revenues refer to the revenues generated by the sale of military products and services to military customers in the country and abroad, according to Sipri.

The institute noted that many arms companies have increased production to meet the growing demand for weapons, and expects the upward trend in gun sales to continue in 2024.

US companies accounted for nearly half of global arms revenue, up 2.5% to $317 billion, according to Sipri.

The institute also pointed to the significant growth of arms production companies Russia And the Middle East.

As for companies German weapons Four companies on the 100 list saw revenue grow by 7.5%, totaling $10.7 billion.

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