How Much Musk Spent on Trump Campaign New Documents Reveal ‘Huge Number’?

She revealed new revelations that were submitted to the committee Elections The Federal Reserve late Thursday evening that the billionaire, the owner of two industrial companies Electric cars Tesla and aerospace company SpaceX donate $259 million to support groups Trump’s campaign In the 2024 elections.

The massive donations made Musk one of the biggest funders of a presidential campaign in history USwhich helped him become a strong political ally of Trump and someone who now plays a major role in shaping the policies of the next Republican administration.

Musk donated $239 million to the Action Committee American politician (America PAC), a supercommittee he founded to help mobilize voters to support Trump.

In late October, Musk also gave an additional $20 million to the political action committee RPG PAC, a group that sought to convince voters that Trump would not sign the bill banning… Abortion At the national level.

The group’s name refers to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a liberal icon known for her support of abortion rights.

Musk also owns the social media platform X, and is an adviser to Trump’s transition team. Trump chose him, along with former Republican presidential candidate and businessman Vic Ramswamy, to lead a task force aimed at reducing government spending and regulation.

Musk and Ramaswamy met at the Capitol yesterday, Thursday, with lawmakers whose support will be needed to achieve the across-the-board spending cuts Trump has asked of them.

The two men called for laying off thousands of federal employees, cutting regulations and eliminating expired programs such as veterans health care.

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