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The channel said on its website that the strikes were “to prevent these weapons from falling into the hands of… Armed groups“which advanced with surprising speed during the past days from Aleppo towards Hama and Homs.”
She explained that “Israeli army The security establishment is monitoring the conflict in Syria non-stop, fearing that developments will affect Israel as well.
On Friday, the Israeli army announced the reinforcement of its forces on… Syrian border.
Observers believe that supporters of the leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Abu Muhammad Al-Julani They themselves refuse to replace Bashar al-Assad with al-Julani and reject the existence of a Syrian state whose authority is al-Julani.
If such weapons fall into the hands of armed groups, Israel will be forced to act in a way that “could affect Syria and the entire Middle East,” Haaretz reported.
Israel’s concerns come at a time when the Syrian scene is witnessing increasing unrest, opening the door to the possibility of regional escalation that could extend beyond Syria’s borders.
The Akios website quoted a US official as saying that Israel has expressed concern to Washington about extremist elements taking control of Syria on the one hand, or the emergence of an alternative scenario that includes the entry of additional Iranian forces into Syria and increasing Tehran’s influence on the other.
Two senior Israeli officials told Axios that Israeli intelligence was surprised by the collapse of the Syrian army’s defense lines faster than expected.
Israeli officials reported that several emergency consultations were held within the leadership of the Israeli army on Thursday, in the context of the progress made by the armed factions in Hama and Aleppo, Syria.