Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The value of the mine’s reserves is estimated at more than eighty billion US dollars.
Chinese official media reported that the reserve was discovered in the Wangu field For goldthe middle ChinaIt can produce more than 1,000 tons of gold, according to the Geological Administration of Hunan Province.
Authorities reported the discovery of 40 gold veins, which are long, narrow openings in rock containing the metal, at a depth of about a mile in Pingjiang Province, Hunan.
The Administration explained that these rocks alone can contain 300 tons of gold, with the possibility of additional reserves in deeper layers.
Tests of wells in the areas around the site indicated the presence of additional amounts of gold, which indicates that the reserves could be higher than announced, writes the British newspaper “Independent”.
The Wangu gold field is one of the most important centers mining In China, the state has invested nearly 100 million yuan in mineral exploration in the region.
China is one of the world’s largest gold producers, and by 2023, that country will have produced about a tenth of the world’s gold production.
The country is also considered a world leader in mining, dominating the production of… Precious metals It is used in the production of new generations of batteries and electronics.