Give the gift of cars on the side this holiday season

I don’t care how old you are or what your background is, tanks are cool. You know what’s even cooler? Driving alone and demolish things. Or does that make him the coolest? Anyway, you know you’re intrigued by it, so why not give yourself or someone as wildly adventurous as you (that’s me raising my hand) five stars for a day?

Zen moments almost always have to be planned. Especially during the chaotic stress eating that is the holiday season, it can sometimes be hard to find those quiet times. So instead, twist and smash things. Since 2006 Control the tank empowers people ride in a tank and not get in trouble for it.

And, yes, destruction may be involved. But unlike the Wreck Room, where the only reason you’re there is for something like a sledgehammer, Drive a Tank’s main attraction is – well, driving a tank. Everything else is icing on the cake. Or, more precisely, a cherry crushed from below.

Located about 75 miles southwest of Minneapolis in Cassota, Minnesota, Drive a Tank offers packages that can be customized to fit the customer’s driving, riding or shooting needs. For example, there are many civilians who come to celebrate important events such as birthdays, graduations, weddings, or just to have fun at the end of the week. But according to the Drive a Tank FAQ, there is veterans who “bring family members because they want to share their past military experiences with them.”

Drive a Tank Arsenal is a vast arsenal of serious firepower that includes tanks and machine guns used by American, British, German, Russian and other European armies in different eras of warfare. The website lists 12 armored vehicles, which they say make up only part of the fleet. In terms of small arms, the historic collection includes 23 submachine guns, 20 assault rifles and assault rifles, 10 belt-fed assault rifles, 5 handguns, 7 assault rifles, 6 assault rifles, and 7 pistols. So far.

Drive packages start at $374 for the 3-star Lt. Gen., which offers the option to add passengers and crush the vehicle. General 4-star status starts at $649 and includes extra passengers as well as multiple tank drives and machine guns to fire. Crushing the car remains optional.

Level up to 5-star Commander-in-Chief for $2,599 and you’ll have command of a small fleet of tanks, access to half a dozen guns, and the keys to a machine to destroy. The Ultimate Package costs another $1,700, but doubles the toys and entertainment.

And if that’s still not enough to calm your inner chaos, well, Drive a Tank will destroy the house. Not only with a tank, but also with pre-fire hand-to-hand combat. Whatever is left standing is also yours to take the bat. You’ll need to call for pricing, but the best part is that you’re not responsible for cleaning up your mess. How about this for a a moment of zen?

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