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“Imitation of the West”
Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman, professor of sociology at Ain Shams University, said: “This phenomenon is an imitation of the West in this area before it rapidly expanded and became a wide field of investment also became a new symbol of class.”
He explained, in exclusive statements to “Sky News Arabia”, that many young men and women consider it a kind of social prestige and pointed out that subscription prices in some luxury gyms are very high, but some accept it as a form of modern “lifestyle” imported from the West.
Abdul Rahman believes that “the goal is not body building at all, but to attract the attention of the opposite sex with muscular and prominent muscles… in addition to imitating sports stars who participate in international competitions in order to reap huge profits from the prize.” He attributes some young people’s interest in gyms to emptiness and believes that it might be better than going down other paths to deviance.
As for Muhammad Taher, a fitness trainer and gym owner in Giza province, south of the capital CairoHe said that “fashion” is the reason for the spread of the gym phenomenon in Egypt, more than body building or even showing off muscles.
Taher added to Sky News Arabia: “Young people are more interested in taking photos and videos in the gym than the exercises themselves, in order to post those photos and clips on their social media pages, with the aim of becoming famous.” Young people under the age of twenty-three are advised not to resort to external hormones and to always rely only on natural materials.
In this context, it was necessary to consult a nutrition expert regarding such a phenomenon that is currently prevalent in Egypt.
“The goal is different”
Heba Rashed, an expert, said: Nutrition“The goals of young people who start exercising vary depending on their age and mindset. Some of them want to build body and strengthen their muscles and body, and they exercise regularly with proper nutrition for their body and count calories with therapeutic diet. an expert who follows them, and some of them resort to exercises to show their muscular strength, but with time and practice, he is forced to follow a healthy diet properly.
Regarding the proper diet recipe, Rashid added to “Ski News Arabia” that he must follow a diet plan rich in protein sources such as eggs, lean meat and fish, with high calories to provide the body with the energy needed for exercise, in addition to water for drinking in copious amounts throughout the day.
Regular exercise is recommended AerobicsThe most important of these are weight training, resistance training and aerobic fitness exercises.