Iraq… between Iranian pressure and calls for self-distancing

The discussion dealt with Iranian pressures and calls for distancing from… Muqtada Al-Sadr And Abu Muhammad Al-JulaniBaghdad’s attempts to strike a political balance amid crises in the region.

The episode hosted political researcher Aed Al-Hilali to analyze the dimensions of these transformations.

Calls for dissociation

The program reviewed the leader’s statement Hai’at Tahrir al-ShamAbu Muhammad al-Julani, who invited the Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani To prevent the Popular Mobilization Forces from intervening in Syria, stressing that the conflicts in the north of Syria will not spread to the territory of Iraq.

For his part, the leader of the sadist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, called on the Iraqi government to distance itself from the Syrian conflict, stressing that Iraq must focus on its internal stability.

Official position

Iraqi government spokesman Bassem Al-Awadi confirmed in an interview with “Sky News Arabia” that Baghdad She is committed to not allowing Iraqi forces to move toward Syria, noting that the government is working to secure the border, which stretches more than 600 kilometers, to prevent infiltration.

He also indicated that Iraq is ready to contribute to any political solution to the Syrian crisis, expressing the hope that peaceful solutions will crystallize in the coming days.

Iranian pressure

According to Iraqi political sources, Iran is seeking to push Baghdad towards military intervention in Syria by reviving the joint quadrilateral operations room between Iran, Syria, Russia and Iraq. This coincides with the Iranian foreign minister’s visit to Baghdad, where he is accompanying the Syrian foreign minister for a tripartite summit to discuss the situation in Syria.

A vision of Baghdad

During his participation in the program, Al-Hilali confirmed that the Iraqi government adopts a clear discourse that rejects military intervention in Syria, noting that Iraq strives to maintain the independence of its political and security decisions.

He added that Iraq is fully aware of the dangers of interfering in regional crises, especially after years of wars and conflicts that have exhausted its capabilities.

Al-Hilali said: “Iraq today has an independent political decision, and we refuse to be part of any regional axes that lead to destabilization. Our role is to secure our borders and avoid conflicts that do not serve national interests.”

Strong messages to Iran

Regarding Iran’s attempts to pressure the Sudanese government to push it towards military cooperation in Syria, Al-Hilali explained that Baghdad is taking decisive steps to secure its sovereignty.

He pointed out that Iraq’s rapprochement with Arab and regional countries helped strengthen Iraq’s position, which reduced the impact of external pressures.

He added: “Today, Iraq is a stabilizing factor in the region.” We have strong relations with neighboring countries and refuse to be a party to any regional conflicts, including Syria.”

Will the balance of power in the region change?

Regarding the degree of influence of these positions on the map of Iranian influence in the region, especially when talking about the “liberation” of Iraq from Iranian control, which has long used the internal political situation to pursue its interests, Al-Hilali commented that Iraq gradually began to restore its sovereignty, relying on balanced relations with the Arab and international environment.

Is Iraq a key player or is it avoiding a crisis?

The discussion unanimously agreed that Iraq is now adopting a policy of disengagement, emphasizing the importance of strengthening internal stability rather than meddling in regional conflicts. As Iran seeks to push it towards a greater role in the Syrian crisis, Baghdad’s position is emerging as a new stabilizing factor in the region, with a focus on strengthening its national sovereignty and preserving its security.

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