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The government is proud of its main stronghold in Idlib province with a military academy. and central command; Rapidly deployable specialized units, including infantry, artillery, special operations, tanks, drones and snipers; They even produce weapons locally.
With local weapons production, the Administration has increased the intensity of threats and targeting, particularly with a focus on drone and missile production.
According to the Financial Times, Aaron Zelin, of Washington Foundation Research, said: “Over the past four or five years, the group has transformed itself into a polished primary army.
According to experts, government militants manufacture drones in small workshops in homes, garages or warehouses.
Conflict researcher Broderick MacDonald said: “We’ve seen similar tactics in… Azerbaijan andUkraine And other places.”
According to Zelin, “this is evidenced by last year’s drone attack on the military academy in Homs, which killed at least 100 people.”
At the time, no one claimed responsibility for the attack, but it was widely assumed that it had already been carried out Hai’at Tahrir al-Sham.
He added: “The militants used… Drones For tracking and targeting Syrian army forces Before sending fighters into battle.
He added: “Insurgents have been dropping leaflets from drones over civilian areas to encourage fleeing.”
Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham has invested in the production of rockets and mortar shells
During the attack, the militants unveiled a new guided missile system, about which little is known, but which Charles Lister of the Middle East Institute described as “a huge missile with a huge munition on the front”.
It is believed that the rocket was named “Caesar”.
“It replaced the need,” Lester said Truck suicide bombsWhat the government used 5 years ago.
Recent advances by authorities have revealed more equipment
The videos show weapons andArmored vehicles Some of them are of Russian production and were purchased by the Administration Syrian army websites Which I controlled.
“They seized huge amounts of equipment, not just tanks,” McDonald saidArmored personnel carriers“But also the anti-aircraft systems, they have the Russian-made Pancir system, several other anti-aircraft missiles that they captured, as well as several light attack aircraft, which they are trying to figure out how to use.”
What about Turkey?
Experts insist on that Turkeythe main supporter of the other rebel factions under her umbrella Syrian National ArmyHay’at Tahrir al-Sham does not supply weapons directly.
Ankara, along with the United States and other countries, has classified this organization as a terrorist organization.
But some of HTS’s existing holdings have been bought by Ankara-backed rebel groups in the northwest SyriaAccording to analysts.
What about the fighters?
Experts say Hayat Tahrir al-Sham could call on around 30,000 fighters, 15,000 full-time fighters and thousands more reservists, as well as men from other armed opposition groups.