Syria.. Declaring December 8 every year as a public holiday

The coalition said in a statement on its website: “We congratulate the great Syrian people and all their sons and daughters on their liberation Syria From the criminal Assad regime, after 14 years of peaceful and armed struggle, from shouts and bullets, for freedom, dignity, democracy, justice and a decent life.

He added: “Every year, we declare the date of December 8 as a national holiday of Syria, because it is the day of victory for martyrs and victims, the day of victory for the prisoners, the displaced and the oppressed, the day for the victory of truth and justice over crime and injustice.”

The coalition continued: “We call on our people at all times.” Syrian governorates To take care of public property, buildings and various objects, because they belong to the people.”

He confirmed National coalition “The international community must continue its work to complete the transfer of power to a transitional governing body with full executive powers, in order to achieve a free, democratic, pluralistic Syria,” stressing its concern for “the safety and security of neighboring countries and not – the interference of Syrians in neighboring countries”, and also looks forward to building strategic partnerships with countries in the region and the world “With the goal of rebuilding Syria, for all its people, regardless of their ethnicity, religion and sect. “

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