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This comes amid questions about US calculations in the Syrian arena and the extent of its impact on regional tensions.
Some believe that what happened may have been planned, or at least overlooked, in order to implicate the president-elect. Donald Trump In the new conflict in Syria, delaying its delivery of a more stable Middle East.
In the dialectic of the American approach to the Syrian issue, we must remember what WikiLeaks published years ago.
An email sent in 2012 by Jake Sullivan, who was Hillary’s political advisor at the time, has been revealed. Clinton The then Minister of Foreign Affairs An Al-Qaeda In Syria, it is helping what are described as “opposition forces”.
This is what he said US National Security Advisor JK.SValifanOn Sunday, in an interview with NBC: ““We must remember that the Syrian government has been engaged in a civil war for many years supported by three major players: Iran, Russia and Hezbollah.
He added: “These players are preoccupied and weakened by conflicts elsewhere, so it’s not surprising to see actors in Syria “Including insurgents trying to take advantage of this, which is exactly what they’ve done over the past few days.”
He continued: “This attack is being carried out by a group that we classify as a terrorist organisation, so it is natural for us to be concerned about this group.” We are consulting closely with parties across the region to try to determine the best way forward because what we want to see is full implementation of the decisions.” Security Council of the United Nations, which can bring a measure of peace and stability to Syria and protect civilians.
How will the Syrian development affect the American position in the region?
In this regard, Democratic strategist Eric Huey, from Washington, said in an interview with Sky News Arabia: