The president of South Korea apologizes for imposing a state of emergency

In a short televised message, Yun announced that he would entrust his party with the task of taking “measures to stabilize the political situation, including in relation to my mandate.” He also promised not to declare a state of emergency again.

The boss said South Korea Yun Suk-yeol said he was “deeply sorry” for causing anxiety and uneasiness in the country by declaring a state of emergency last Tuesday night, and vowed not to try to impose it again.

Jun said he would not shirk legal or political responsibility for the announcement, adding that he would abide by his party’s directives to resolve the political crisis resulting from his move.

South Korea’s National Assembly (Parliament) is scheduled to vote in plenary this afternoon on the impeachment motion President Because of his sudden declaration of a state of emergency and its subsequent lifting, which plunged South Korea into a state of political turmoil.

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