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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The video shows one of the gunmen inside the Meze airport next to the helicopter, after the government forces withdrew from it.
andMezzeh Airport The army is a strategic facility for the Syrian Air Force located in the Mezeh settlement Damascusand education An important role in the distribution of military supplies in the country.
It was the first time the factions reached Damascus since 2018, when Syrian forces retook areas on the outskirts of the capital after a years-long siege.
Armed factions announced at dawn on Sunday that the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad He left the country.
In messages posted on the Telegram app, the factions stated what they considered “the end of this dark era and the beginning of a new era for Syria.”
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and Reuters announced on Sunday that… Lion “He left the country for an unknown destination.”