Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Where I live, pickup trucks are more common than Corollas. In turn, I’ve seen my share of… questionable mods. Whether we’re talking about squat broadzers or straight-pipe farm trucks driven by 16-year-olds, both of Calvin writing stickers – they are never more than a mile or two down the road. None of these, however, hold a candle to perhaps the most infamous mod of all: Use the truck.
Surprisingly, these anthropomorphic accessories did not die out with the advent of electric speakers. They evolved into something funnier (and thankfully vein-free). now Ford F-150 Lightning owners dangle massive wire nuts from their hitches.
I had never even heard of it before someone posted the photo Facebook group on Wednesday. I went looking for the source of the photo and found more than one battery powered blue oval with knockers on the shin. It dates back to at least August, when a 3D printing designer was passing by Charles47 uploaded drawings of homemade electric truck nuts Thingiverse.
Soon another picture of someone else’s truck appeared this thread in the F-150 Lightning forum. They’re gray instead of blue, which is a little less funny for reasons I won’t go into. (My Nana likes to read my blogs, so I have to keep it PG, okay?)
I don’t have hard data to back this up, but something tells me that EV owners are a lot more likely to own a 3D printer than the average Super Duty driver. Because of this, they represent a perfect intersection of interests for people whose hobbies include making their own MagSafe iPhone charger stands at home and tow their Airstream 100 miles between charges. Better yet, any of them can be laughed at without feeling bad, and you don’t need me to tell you that’s rare these days.
You can download the schematics for free, but I recommend you tip the creator if you actually plan to use them. Not only were they nice enough to make them available to everyone, but they even updated the design so you can thread a sturdy hose through them for installation.
Those jokes, man…they write themselves.
Got a picture of your truck’s lug nuts? Please send them to my colleague: